The Inescapable Ought, “Our Appetites
April 30, 2023

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Message Review

Our appetites pose a constant threat to our integrity and our doing what we ought to do. You must stay upright and take the long view, or your appetites will rule you and what you do. You can’t trade your integrity for something you have an appetite for now.

Main Point | Our appetites pose a constant threat to our integrity.

Scripture References | Proverbs 11:3


  • This Week’s Sermon was about how our appetites pose a constant threat to our integrity. What were your initial thoughts or takeaways from the sermon?

  • Focus Passage Review: Genesis 25:27-34 (Read this passage 2-3 times then talk through the following points. Try reading different translations as well to see if anything else sticks out)

    • Observation: What do you notice in this passage?  What words or phrases stick out to you? 

    • Interpretation: What was the author's original intent in this passage?  What main point(s) was the author trying to communicate? 

    • Application: What is a takeaway from this passage?  How can/should you apply that? What next step is Jesus inviting you to take? 

    • Questions: What questions/tensions do you have from this passage? 

  • What is one thing that you have an appetite for and when you see it all bets are off? (ex. Cake or Steak)  

  • What appetites have you seen that tempt people to take the quick view and worry about the now?  

  • Have you ever known anyone that has been hurt or destroyed by these appetites What was their story?  

  • Why do you think people are so easily ruled by their appetites when they know they could lead to destruction?  

  • When it comes to our appetites why do they never fully satisfy us, why does it always leave us wanting more?  

  • Pastor Ronnie said: “You can’t be a person of integrity as long as you’re lying to yourself.” Why do we lie to ourselves to justify the decisions we make that were appetite focused?  

  • What appetites in your life do you have to be on guard against to protect your future?  

  • Read Proverbs 11:3. What are ways that we can be upright to see right and protect ourselves from our appetites?  

Challenge Question: What’s your bowl of stew?


This week identify what your bowl of stew is. Once you have identified it take one next step to stand upright and focus on the long view. Even if the next step is challenging know it will be worth it in the long run.  

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.