Likeable, “Be Slow to Speak”
February 26, 2023

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Message Review

People who were nothing like Jesus liked Jesus, and He like them too, but do people like his followers? The way many people who would say they’re not followers of Christ perceive those of us who are is making us UNLIKABLE One perception that non followers of Christ have is that Followers of Christ are against people. This should never be perceived about Followers of Christ because God is FOR people. The only way people will know God is FOR them is if Followers of Christ ambassadors are.  

Main Point | Be quick to listen and slow to speak 

Scripture References | Romans 10:14; James 1:19-21; 1 Peter 3:15 


  • One perception that Non-Followers of Christ have is that we as Followers of Christ are against them. Why do you think they have this perception?  

  • Followers of Christ can be perceived as needing others to know the “right position” so they can change other people’s stances. This can lead to talking at each other which always lead to conflict and tension. What happens when people feel that conflict and tension?  

  • Pastor Ronnie said that “we don’t need to change or compromise our positions, but we must change our posture.” Why is it vital that we do this? What are ways that we can change our posture towards people?  

  • One way we can change our posture is by being quick to listen and slow to speak. Why do you think this can lead people towards relationship and away from perceiving us as being against them?  

  • Read James 1: 19-21. What part of these verses stick out to you. How does this tell us to relate to others?  

  • When we ask questions, it provides more on ramps for people to share their lives with us. Why is this such a powerful posture that we can take with people to know we are FOR them?  

  • Read 1 Peter 3:15. When are we supposed to tell people our answer for hope and how are we supposed to do it? What else stuck out to you in this passage?  

Challenge Question | Are your words helping point people to the good news of Jesus, or pushing them away from Jesus? 


This week pray that the Holy Spirit shows you areas in your life where you have found it more important to tell people your position than point them to Jesus. Then take the next step to be quick to listen and slow to speak in that relationship. Then when a question is asked, be ready with your answer for the reason for your hope.  

Focus Passage: James 1:19-21 19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. 21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. 

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.