What is the Bible?
The Bible is God’s Word to us, to reveal His plan of salvation for humanity through Jesus Christ, and everything needed to know to follow Jesus. We believe a daily rhythm of spending time with God alone has the power to transform our lives. One of the ways we do that is by reading the Bible.
We grow spiritually when we study it, interact with it, understand it, and apply it.
The purpose of the Bible is not primarily for our information, but our transformation
How do I interact with the Bible?
At Relevant, our primary method for teaching people how to read and study the Bible is by a three-step process: Observation, Interpretation, and Application.
Classes You Can Take
Attend a verse by verse lecture style Bible Study
Wednesdays at Noon Online or In-person
Take a 6-week in-person class about understanding the Bible
Bible Study Fellowship offers free, in-depth Bible studies for people of all ages.
There are studies for men and women in the Omaha area
Bible Tools and Resources
Whole Bible Overview
See a summary of every book of the Bible
Reading Plans
90 Day New Testament Reading Plan
Includes illustrated videos.
Whole Bible in a Year Reading Plan
Includes illustrated videos!
Something you can watch
Watch a 6-part sermon series about the Bible
Apps to Download
Download the Bible App and connect to Relevant
Watch Video Based Bible Studies Free.
GOT A BIBLE QUESTION? Submit it below.
For help or questions, please contact pastor Nick at nick@relevantcommunity.org