The Struggle is Real, “Healing From Trauma”
January 29, 2023

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Message Review

Most people have endured something severe, some kind of trial, some kind of abuse or some kind of heartbreak that has caused trauma. Wounds from trauma go deeper, they never show up on the body, they hurt more than anything that bleeds. Trauma is not fair because you weren’t responsible for what happened to you, but you are left to deal with it, but until you heal your hurt, your hurt is going to continue hold you hostage. You may not be responsible for your trauma but pursuing God for healing is your responsibility. To heal from trauma, you must admit your pain, process your pain, and then release that to God, the only one who can free you.

Main Point | You may not be responsible for your trauma, but pursuing God for healing is your responsibility.

Scripture References | Psalm 46:10; John 16:33; Psalm 139:23; Psalm 142:1-2; Psalm 46:10; 2 Corin. 1:3-4


  • Read John 16:33. What would it change in your life if you truly believed that even though we will have trouble Jesus has overcome the world?

  • When Pastor Jimmy said our topic for this week would be trauma, what were the first things that came to mind? What do you think of when you think of trauma?

  • Pastor Jimmy used a story about a bee that caused trauma in his life. What story do you have from your life that has affected how you react to things like he reacts to things that buzz?

  • Why do you think the devil wants to use trauma to hold us hostage and to keep us from moving forward?

  • Pastor Jimmy said, “You aren't responsible for what happened to you, but pursuing God for healing is your responsibility.” How can you pursue God for healing from your trauma?

  • You cannot heal from trauma alone, why do we need people to walk with us when healing from trauma?  

  • Be still and know that I am God. (Psalms 46:10a) The meaning of be still is also, let go. Why do you think we have such a hard time letting go and surrendering our hurts to God?

  • As we end this series on Mental health what is one thing or tool that you will take with you?

Challenge Question | Where do you need to let go and surrender control? 


This week spend time praying about trauma that has happened in your life that you need to heal your heart from. Then admit your pain, by taking it from your mind and letting it out of your mouth. Tell someone, tell a pastor, your group leader, just tell someone so you can begin your path to healing.

Verse to Remember: Psalms 46:10a: Be still, and know that I am God.

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.