The Inescapable Ought, “Make Up Your Mind
May 7, 2023

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Message Review

The only way we’ll maintain our integrity is by pre-deciding ahead of time that we’re going to do the right thing we know we ought to do WHEN the time comes that doing so may cost us.

Main Point | To maintain integrity we must make up our minds ahead of time to be guided by integrity.

Scripture References | Proverbs 11:3; Daniel 1:3–4, 5-15, 19-21; Daniel 6:4 


  • This Week’s Sermon was about how you don’t know if integrity guides you until maintaining it costs you. What were your initial thoughts or takeaways from the sermon?

  • Focus Passage Review: Daniel 1:1-21 (Read this passage 2-3 times then talk through the following points. Try reading different translations as well to see if anything else sticks out)  

    • Observation: What do you notice in this passage?  What words or phrases stick out to you? 

    • Interpretation: What was the author's original intent in this passage?  What main point(s) was the author trying to communicate? 

    • Application: What is a takeaway from this passage?  How can/should you apply that? What next step is Jesus inviting you to take? 

    • Questions: What questions/tensions do you have from this passage? 

  • Why is it vital that we pre-decide what we are going to do before we walk into a situation were doing so may cost us?  

  • One breach of integrity often leads to another and makes the second breach easier. Where have you seen that play out personally, organizationally, or nationally?  

  • We don’t hear from God because we have closed ourselves off from Him by ignoring His promptings. How can we be open to hearing from the Holy Spirit?  

  • A “Now God” moment is when you’ve done the right thing you know you ought to AND there’s a price to be paid, AND God decides to intervene. When have you had a Now God moment in your life?  

  • Some people will choose not to pre-decide because they assume it’s too limiting. Why do you think people think this?  

    Break up into smaller groups if it would be better for your group. 

    • What do you need to make up your mind about now, so that you’re guided by integrity later?  

    • What is one next step you can take this week towards pre-deciding?  

Challenge Question: What do you need to make up your mind about now, so that you’re guided by integrity later? 


This week pre-decide to be led by integrity even though it might cost because following Jesus one next step at a time is always the best next step.  

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.