We are so excited that you are interested in Baptism!
Baptism is an important step that shows others we have put our faith in Jesus by asking him to be the forgiver of our sins and leader of our lives.
To learn more about baptism, watch pastor Ronnie’s sermon about baptism called Going Public>
The writers of scripture teach that Jesus Christ's death on the cross paid the full price for our sin. Jesus' resurrection showed His victory over the power of sin and death. Therefore, forgiveness of sin and our salvation occur only when a person places his or her faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus as the sufficient payment for his or her sin.
Baptism publicly illustrates what has already taken place in a person's heart when they put their faith in Jesus. It is a way of showing others you have entered into a relationship with Him.
Baptism is a public declaration of three important things:
-You are a follower of Jesus Christ.
“Those who accepted his message were baptized.” Acts 2:41a-You are beginning a new and changed life in Christ.
“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Romans 6:4-You are part of a new family.
“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” Galatians 3:26–27It's important to understand that baptism does not "save" you. You are "saved" only by faith in Jesus.
Baptism is a demonstration that you are already "saved" and are a follower of Jesus Christ.
Baptism is evidence of salvation, not a requirement for salvation.
Those who are baptized are following Jesus' example and obeying His command.
Jesus commanded us to get baptized.
Because Jesus instructed his followers to be baptized, baptism is also an act of obedience. If you have put your faith in Jesus, by asking him to be the forgiver of your sins and the leader of your life, then you are a follower of Christ and ready to be baptized!
Just like a bride and groom show their devotion for one another by wearing wedding bands, your baptism is your opportunity to show others you are now a follower of Jesus Christ!
As soon as you have put your faith in Jesus you can, and should, be baptized. There is no reason to delay! If you're waiting until you're perfect, you'll never be ready.
If you have not yet put your faith in Jesus, by asking him to be the forgiver of your sins, and leader of your life, but are ready to, or if you have any questions about how to begin a personal relationship with Jesus, we would love to help you take that first step. Just contact us at baptism@relevantcommunity.org.
We will baptize anyone kindergarten and above who understands what baptism symbolizes and wants to make their faith public.
We baptize K-5th grade at an event called Baptism Bash three times per year, and 6th-8th grades at an event called Plunge, also three times per year. High School and up are baptized at our Sunday Gatherings.
Child Dedication
Some denominations choose to baptize (christen) infants. While we recognize the right of other churches to practice infant baptism, we believe the writers of scripture teach that only those who have put their faith in Jesus are to be baptized.
At Relevant, we practice the dedication of infants, rather than the baptism of infants. Child Dedication is an opportunity for parents to make a public commitment before God, the church, and their family expressing a desire to raise their children to follow God and love others.We do Child Dedications three times a year—during the first Sunday of March, July, and November—at the Sunday gathering of your choice.
You can register for Child Dedication anytime using this sign up form. If you have questions regarding Child Dedication, email our Children's Ministry Director, Ashley Wuthrich, at ashley@relevantcommunity.org.
Your baptism should have signified you becoming a follower of Jesus. If your baptism did not reflect your new relationship with Jesus, then you should be baptized again.
Watch Pastor Ronnie’s sermon about baptism.
Register for baptism today!
Our baptism process has been designed to be both simple and meaningful. If you think that baptism may be the next step for you, simply begin by filling out our Baptism interest form below and someone from our Baptism team will contact you to begin the process. If you have further questions or would like to talk to someone before filling out the interest form, email us at baptism@relevantcommunity.org