The Struggle is Real, “Heal My Anxious Mind”
January 22, 2023

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Message Review

The struggle with mental health is real and anxiety is one of the most common struggles, two out of three people said they were anxious or extremely anxious. People have anxious thoughts over uncertainty of the future, jobs, our financial future, and relationships among others. The way that we can cure anxious thoughts is by replacing them with thoughts of gratitude. When you focus on thoughts of gratitude anxiousness can’t coexist. But your gratitude needs to be founded on what is true because if your gratitude is not, when things go wrong anxiety can and will return.    

Main Point | The foundation of your gratitude determines the resiliency of your gratitude. 

Scripture References | Philippians 4:6; Romans 8:14-17, 28-30; 1 Peter 5:7 


  • Pastor Matt told a story about the first time the first time they preached and the anxiety that ensued. Do you remember a time in your life that you felt anxious?  

  • Why do you think anxiety is such a common mental health struggle in America? What are some of the causes of anxiety in the United States today?  

  • When someone tells you to “Do not be anxious about anything” and stops there how does that make you feel when you are in the grips of anxiety?  

  • Science is proving what is written in the Bible about gratitude? Why do you think gratitude is the cure of anxiety?  

  • Read Roman 8: 14-17 and 28-30. Read through these verses a few times, what words or phrases stick out to you? What do these verses say that our foundation of gratitude should be built upon.  

  • What are things that you can focus on with gratitude when anxiety hits? What is going to build that strong foundation?  

  • Matt closed with Misty and Justin singing a song called Gratitude by Brandon Lake. Play the song with this link, or by searching your music service (ex. Spotify or Apple Music).  What does this song bring to your mind as you listen?  

Challenge Question | What foundation is your gratitude built upon? 


What is your foundation built on? As you reflect on your foundation this week, build a gratitude map and focus on what God is doing in your life.  Focus on your foundation of gratitude on what God has done in your life so when troubles come. 

Verse to Remember: Philippians 4:8- 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.