Brick By Brick, Part 6: Forgiven People Forgive
October 13, 2024

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Message Review

As followers of Jesus, we are called to "build each other up in love" as the body of Christ. To do this, we must have meaningful relationships with one another. However, meaningful relationships don't happen accidentally; they are built brick by brick. In the upcoming weeks, we will look at five things we should implement in our relationships to help us build each other up in love. One of the fundamental principles is that people who are forgiven must forgive.

Main Point: To become a mature body of Christ, forgiven people must forgive.

Scripture References: Ephesians 4:15-16, 22-29; Colossians 3:12-13

Bible Study      

The focus Bible passage from the sermon was Matthew 18:21-35. Before going to the Sermon Discussion Questions, study the passage by reading through it together, then talk through it using the following Inductive Bible Study Method questions that follow:

  • Context: Discuss the context of this passage (Use the Bible Overview to learn the context)

  • Observation: What do you notice in this passage? What words or phrases stick out to you? And why?

  • Interpretation: What was the author’s original intent in this passage? What main point(s) was he trying to communicate, and why is that important?

  • Application: What is one key takeaway or insight you had from this passage? How can or should you apply it to your life?

  • Questions: What questions/tensions do you have from this passage that you want to discuss?

Discussion Questions

  • What were your initial thoughts or takeaways from the sermon, and why?

  • If forgiveness is proven to improve our health and well-being, why do we still have such a hard time forgiving others?

  • What are some examples of how our world loves to simmer in resentment and tell others they are worthless?

  • How have you seen forgiveness or lack thereof affect your life or others, for good or bad?

  • Read Colossians 3:12-13 and Ephesians 4:31-32.

    • What are the two verses instructing us to do?

    • How does this look in your life to practically live this out?

  • How do you see the relationship between forgiveness and truly knowing God and the gospel message?

  • Why is it essential to acknowledge that there is a legitimate debt owed when forgiving others?

  • How do we acknowledge the debt that is owed without minimizing what happened?

  • What does it mean to view the wrongdoing through the lens of the Cross?

  • Is there someone in your life you are still holding onto unforgiveness for? What would it look like for you to begin to release that debt in light of the debt you’ve been forgiven?

  • We have discussed the five building blocks of building a mature body: speaking the truth, resolving your anger, being a contributor, watching your words, and forgiving people because we were forgiven. Which one have you felt prompted to take a next step with, and how will you do this?

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.