The Art of Neighboring, Part 1: “The Call to Neighboring”
August 6, 2023

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Message Review

Jesus has called His followers to love our neighbors. When Jesus was asked what the greatest command was, he responded, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” Our duty is to display love towards the individuals in our lives, beginning with our neighbors.

Main Point | Love Your Neighbor

Scripture References | Matthew 22:34-40; Luke 10:25-37 

Bible Study

The focus Bible passage from the sermon was Matthew 22:35-40. Before going to the Sermon Discussion Questions, study the passage by reading through it together, then talk through it using the Inductive Bible Study Method questions that follow:

  • Context: Discuss the context of this passage (i.e. when it was written, who wrote it, who it was written to, what was going on before and/or after this specific passage, etc.)

  • Observation: What do you notice in this passage?  What words or phrases stick out to you? And why?

  • Interpretation: What was Jesus’ original intent in this passage?  What main point(s) was Jesus trying to communicate, and why is that important?

  • Application: What is one key takeaway or insight you had from this passage? How can or should you apply it to your life?

  • Questions: What questions/tensions do you have from this passage that you would like to discuss?

Discussion Questions

  • This Week’s Sermon was about The Call to Neighboring.  What were your initial thoughts or takeaways from the sermon and why?  

  • Who are some of your most memorable neighbors? Why do you remember them?  

  • Pastor Jimmy talked about how easy it is to make assumptions and conclusions about the neighbors that we watch through the blinds. Why do you think we do this, and what makes it so easy?  

  • Read Matthew 22: 37-39 with your group again. What did Jesus say were the two greatest commandments? How does this relate to us today?   

  • Read Luke 10:25-37 with your group. Why do you think the Samaritan was the neighbor in Jesus’s story?  

  • Why do you think we sometimes act like the Priests and Levites when we see people in need?  

  • Pastor Jimmy said, “I would bet that most of the issues that our society faces would be eliminated or drastically reduced if we could just figure out a way to become a community of great neighbors.”  Do you this is true, why, or why not?  

  • Do you believe that we have a responsibility to our neighbors? If so, where can you begin?  

  • Spend the last part of your group praying in these ways:  

  • For Yourself: for God to give you a heart of compassion, desire to know your neighbors, their story. 

  • For Your Neighbors: that God begins to move in the hearts of those who don't know him so that they may soften up to you. 

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.