Who Are You, “You Are Adopted”
March 26, 2023

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Message Review

We are not self-defined, but God defined. One of the ways that God defines us is as adopted as a child of God. As a Child of God, we have a Father that wants intimacy with you and to give you the power that He provides.    

Main Point | As a follower of Christ we are adopted into His family.  

Scripture References | Romans 8:14-16; Matthew 7:11; Zephaniah 3:17; Deuteronomy 20:4; Luke 15:11-32 


  • This week’s Sermon was about being adopted as God’s son or daughter when you become a Follower of Christ. What were your initial thoughts or takeaways from the sermon?  

  • Focus Passage Review: Romans 8:14-16 (Read this passage 2-3 times then talk through the following points.)  

  • Observation: What do you notice in this passage?  What words or phrases stick out to you? 

  • Interpretation: What was the author's original intent in this passage?  What main point(s) was the author trying to communicate? 

  • Application: What is a take-away from this passage?  How can/should you apply that? What next step is Jesus inviting you to take? 

  • Questions: What questions/tensions do you have from this passage? 

  • How does the perception of your earthly father affect the way that you see God, your Abba Father?  

  • Pastor Matt talked about three things that can enslave us which are, self, others, and religion. Which one of these could you see, or have you seen take your eyes off your heavenly father?  

  • Read Zephaniah 3:17. When you hear that God rejoices over you, what thoughts come to mind?  

  • Read Deuteronomy 20:4. How would you act differently if you knew that your Father wants to go with you to fight your enemies and will give you the victory? 

  • In the parable of the prodigal son, it tells the story of a father who celebrated his son when he returned home, no matter what he had done. How does this relate to how God treat us? Luke 15: 11-32    

  • What are different ways that you can remind yourself to daily have conversations with your Abba Father in prayer?  


Spend this week focused on talking to your Abba Father. Be real with him and just talk to him about what is on your mind now.  

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.