Unlikely Heroes, Part 1: A Servants Willingness
January 7, 2024

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Message Review

Ordinary people, like ourselves, possess the power to make an extraordinary impact on the people we love and the world around us. Nehemiah, an individual from the Old Testament, was just an ordinary person, but he managed to make an immense impact. Nehemiah had a sense of dissatisfaction within him, so he came to God laid his burden down, and then was willing to follow the call. By doing so, he played a pivotal role in restoring Jerusalem to a state of stability. 

Main Point: You don’t have to be appointed by man – You have to be willing to follow the call.

Scripture References: Nehemiah 1:2-6, 11; 2:4-5

Bible Study      

The focus Bible passage from the sermon was Nehemiah 1:1-11. Before going to the Sermon Discussion Questions, study the passage by reading through it together, then talk through it using the Inductive Bible Study Method questions that follow:

  • Context: Discuss the context of this passage (i.e. when it was written, who wrote it, who it was written to, what was going on before and/or after this specific passage, etc.)

  • Observation: What do you notice in this passage?  What words or phrases stick out to you? And why?

  • Interpretation: What was the author’s original intent in this passage?  What main point(s) was he trying to communicate, and why is that important?

  • Application: What is one key takeaway or insight you had from this passage? How can or should you apply it to your life?

  • Questions: What questions/tensions do you have from this passage that you would like to discuss?

Discussion Questions

  • What were your initial thoughts or takeaways from the sermon and why? 

  • Who were your heroes growing up? When did you realize that it might not be possible to be just like them?  

  • What was your initial reaction when Pastor Matt said, “Our God specializes in using Ordinary People”. Do believe he could use you, why or why not?   

  • Read Nehemiah 1:2-4 again as a group. Why is it important to have an emotional connection to the things that matter to you? 

  • When was the last time you sat down and cried over something you felt a holy discontentment over? What is it that breaks your heart?  

  • Read Nehemiah 1:4-6 again as a group. How can we use Nehemiah's prayer as a model for our own prayers? 

  • Why do you think followers of Jesus underestimate the power of prayer?   

  • What you pray about reflects what you believe about God. Can you explain what this phrase means using your own words? 

  • Why is it difficult to take the final step and act to create an opportunity for impact? 

  • Where are you feeling a holy discontentment? Are you willing to follow God’s call and have an extraordinary impact? 

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.