Pray, Part 1: Praise
March 2, 2025

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Message Review

Many people struggle with prayer, feeling like it’s empty or repetitive. But Jesus teaches that prayer is meant to be a meaningful connection with God, starting with praise. Praise shifts our focus off ourselves and onto God, reminding us of His greatness and faithfulness. Genuine praise isn’t just about thanking God for what He has done but worshiping Him for who He is, setting the tone for a deeper relationship with Him.

Main Point: A fruitful prayer life is cultivated by constant practice.

Scripture References: Matthew 6:9-13; Psalm 115:3; Psalm 150; Revelation 4:1-11

Bible Study      

The focus Bible passage from the sermon was Matthew 6:5-15. Before going to the Sermon Discussion Questions, study the passage by reading through it together, then talk through it using the following Inductive Bible Study Method questions that follow:

  • Context: Discuss the context of this passage (Use the Bible Overview to learn the context)

  • Observation: What do you notice in this passage? What words or phrases stick out to you? And why?

  • Interpretation: What was Jesus’ original intent in this passage? What main point(s) was he trying to communicate, and why is that important?

  • Application: What is one key takeaway or insight you had from this passage? How can or should you apply it to your life?

  • Questions: What questions/tensions do you have from this passage that you want to discuss?

Discussion Questions

  • What were your initial thoughts or takeaways from the sermon?

  • When you hear the word "prayer," what image or scene comes to mind, and why?

  • Have you ever struggled with prayer, feeling empty, bored, or routine? What has helped or hindered your prayer life?

  • People naturally praise things they love (sports teams, music, food, etc.). Why do you think praising God sometimes feels more challenging than praising other things?

  • What does "praising God" mean to you? How do you personally express praise in your life?

  • Read Matthew 6:9 as a group. Why do you think Jesus started the Lord’s Prayer with praise (“hallowed be your name”) rather than jumping into requests?

  • Read Revelation 4:1-11. This passage gives us a glimpse of heavenly worship, where God is continually praised. How does this vision of worship challenge or inspire the way you approach praising God in prayer?

  • Jimmy said, "Praise shouldn’t be conditional upon what God has done, but simply for who He is." What practical ways can you cultivate a habit of praising God daily?

  • This week, try using a praise-first prayer model. Before making requests, acknowledge and worship God for who He is. How will this change your mindset as you pray this week?

  • Who is God to you? How often do you take time to praise Him with no strings attached? 

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.