The Inescapable Ought, “What’s Most Important”
May 14, 2023

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Message Review

When people are led by integrity, they do what they ought to and trust God with the outcomes. They do not worry about the ending because they trust God with the outcome of every decision.  

Main Point | People who are guided by integrity do the right thing they know they ought to and trust God with the outcomes. 

Scripture References | Proverbs 11:3; Daniel 6:4, 7-23 


  • This Week’s Sermon was about when you are guided by integrity you do what you ought to and trust God with the outcome. What were your initial thoughts or takeaways?  

  • Focus Passage Review: Daniel 6:1-28 (Read this passage 2-3 times then talk through the following points. Try reading different translations as well to see if anything else sticks out)  

    • Observation: What do you notice in this passage?  What words or phrases stick out to you? 

    • Interpretation: What was the author's original intent in this passage?  What main point(s) was the author trying to communicate? 

    • Application: What is a takeaway from this passage?  How can/should you apply that? What next step is Jesus inviting you to take? 

    • Questions: What questions/tensions do you have from this passage? 

  • If you were in Daniel’s shoes, what do you think you would have done if you knew it would cost you? What makes you say that?  

  • Have you ever made a decision you think will lead to a positive outcome only to be disappointed? How about the other way around?  

  • When it comes to making decisions what are other things that could be Most Important to you? (Ex. Money, Stability)  

  • Why do you think people decide the things above are most important?  

  • Pastor Ronnie said, “Everything you gain by sacrificing your integrity can or will be taken away.” What are your thoughts about this?   

    Break up into smaller groups if it would be better for your group. 

  • Where in your life do you need to make a change and be led by integrity and trust God with the outcomes even though it may cost you?   

  • What are the next steps that you can take to follow Jesus in the above area and trust the outcomes to God?  

Challenge Question: What’s more important to you: a desired outcome, or doing the right thing you know you ought to? 


This week take time to think through your life and see what is most important to you. Then focus on ways that you can Make God the most important and take one next step towards Jesus and leave the outcomes to Him.  

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.