Holy, Part 4: Not Meant To Be Normal
July 21, 2024

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Message Review

To live a holy life, we must actively choose to pursue it. However, while pursuing holiness, we cannot do what God must do, and God will not do what we must do. This week, we focused on the third aspect of living a holy life, our behavior: To be holy, we must live in a way that pleases God.

Main Point: To be holy we must live in a way that pleases God.

Scripture References: 1 Peter 1:14-16; 1 Thess. 4:1-8; Ephesians 4:30; Matthew 5:16

Bible Study      

The focus Bible passage from the sermon was 1 Thess. 4:1-12 Before going to the Sermon Discussion Questions, study the passage by reading through it together, then talk through it using the following Inductive Bible Study Method questions that follow:

·      Context: Discuss the context of this passage (Use the Bible Overview to learn the context)

  • Observation: What do you notice in this passage? What words or phrases stick out to you? And why?

  • Interpretation: What was the author’s original intent in this passage? What main point(s) was he trying to communicate, and why is that important?

  • Application: What is one key takeaway or insight you had from this passage? How can or should you apply it to your life?

  • Questions: What questions/tensions do you have from this passage that you want to discuss?

Discussion Questions

  • What were your initial thoughts or takeaways from the sermon, and why?

  • Matt discussed the increased desire among followers of Jesus to "fit in" or be seen as normal. What have you observed among followers of Jesus when it comes to their desire to “fit in”?

  • "Holiness starts with God. Discussions about holiness get off on the wrong foot when they begin with what we don’t do, rather than with who God is." – David Mathis. Why do discussions about holiness get off on the wrong foot when they begin with our behavior rather than with who God is

  • Read 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-3a. What does it mean to live in a pleasing way to God? How can we achieve this in our lives?

  • To be holy, we must live in a way that pleases God. Why do you think the modern church has shied away from calling people to a higher standard of living?

  • What behaviors have you noticed in recent years where followers of Jesus don't seem to differ much from the world? Why is it essential for non-followers of Jesus to see a distinction in the actions of Jesus' followers?

  • Read Matthew 5:16 as a group. What is the outcome when others see our good deeds (behavior)?

  • If someone overheard your conversations, would they assume you are a follower of Jesus?

  • If someone followed you for a day, what areas of your life would cause them to question your affection for God?

  • What behaviors do you have that are not pleasing to God? What next steps do you need to take to change those behaviors?

  • How can our T-Life Group support each other in living in a way that pleases God?

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.