Find Your Five, “Soul Sharpener”
December 11, 2022
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Message Review
Those you hang around with matter and those you hang around with will impact our lives whether good or bad. They will either push you toward God or away from God. Your circle of friends will be a major factor on who you become. God wants to transform you from the inside out, but here’s the thing, this will not be comfortable. But His goal for your life on earth is not comfort, it’s character development. Soul Sharpeners help point you to Jesus so you can become more like Him.
Main Point | Soul Sharpeners help you develop spiritually and become more like Jesus.
Scripture References | Proverbs 18:24, Proverbs 13:20(NLT), 1 Corinthians 15:33(NIV) 1 Corinthians 15:33(NLV), Proverbs 12:26, Proverbs 27:17(NIV)
Who was your best friend in grade school, middle school, or high school? What crazy stories do you have from that time?
Pastor Jimmy said, “those we hang around with impact our lives whether it be good or bad”. Where are you seen this in your life for the good or the bad?”
You must turn away from our old distorted and sinful way of life and turn to a new way of life, to become more like Jesus. What are ways that we can continually turn towards a new life? How can people help you with this?
Read Proverbs 27:17. Why do you think that we need to sharpen each other to push us closer to Jesus?
Pastor Jimmy said that we must invite soul sharpeners into your life for the purpose of helping your grow spiritually. How are ways that you can invite people into your life to do this?
Have you had soul sharpeners in your life before? If yes, how were you all intentional in pushing each other towards Jesus?
What are a few reasons why people haven’t invited soul sharpeners into their lives?
How can we step up in each other’s lives and be soul sharpeners for each other? What are steps that we can take today?
Challenge Question | Do you have a soul sharpener in your life? If not, who could be that person or those people, and when will you begin that relationship?
Find a Soul Sharpener this week! Identify that person and invite them into something more. If you have a Soul Sharpener take next steps this week to be more intentional in the ways that you point each other to Jesus.
Verse to Remember: Proverbs 27:17: As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.