Crossing the Line, Part 1: “Starting Spiritual Conversations”
March 27, 2022

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Message Review

So many of us want to talk about Jesus with our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers because we want to see their lives transformed by Jesus. But we’re afraid to risk negatively affecting those relationships, so we don’t. What do we do? It begins with a spiritual conversation.

Main Point | Spiritual conversations don’t start with what you say. They start with the questions you ask.

Scripture References | Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 19:10, Acts 1:8, Romans 10:14-17 

Challenge Question | What’s stopping you from crossing the line of starting a spiritual conversation?


  • Up to this point, how have you felt about having spiritual conversations with people in general? What has stopped you in the past from sharing Jesus with others?

  • Read Matthew 28:18b-20. What do these words from Jesus in this passage mean to you. How do you think the disciples reacted to Jesus when he said that to them? What fears do you think they had regarding this?

  • If you were physically standing with Jesus and he said that to you today, how would that make you feel? What fears would you start to get in the way of you sharing Jesus in this way with those you know?

  • Many people shy away from beginning a spiritual conversation out of fear of what they need to say. But spiritual conversations don’t start with what you say, but with the questions you ask. Pastor Ronnie provided three questions to help begin a spiritual conversation with someone we are relationally investing in. Which of these make you feel most uncomfortable asking? Why?

    • Where have you been and where are you at currently in your spiritual journey?

    • What’s stopping you from putting your faith in Jesus?

    • What would it take…(for you to….)

Next Step Challenge

Who is a person in your life today that you would like to share Jesus with? What’s stopping you from crossing the line of starting a spiritual conversation? What is a next step you can take with that person? Below are more questions you can ask to help lead closer to that conversation.

Conversation Tips

Here are some ideas that can help get you started and guide you in deeper conversation depending on where you are in your relationship with someone at this point. These questions below may be a progression over time and not necessarily to be used in one conversation. Whoever you are speaking to, we want to meet people where they are at. Not all these questions are going to be natural for you or your friend, coworker, neighbor, or family member. But you also never know where people are at in life unless you start asking and getting to know them.

  • How is life going these days?

  • What's keeping you busy?

  • What’s the best thing going on in your life right now?

  • What’s been the thing you lean on when life gets hard?

  • What values and causes are you most passionate about? Why?

More questions to begin crossing the line

  • What role would you say faith plays in your life?

  • Have you ever thought about God in your life before?

  • How would you describe your journey with God up to this point in your life? 

  • Where have you been and where are you at currently in your spiritual journey?

  • Do you have much of a spiritual background? Does your background have any impact on you now?

  • What people have most shaped your beliefs?

  • What’s most influenced you to come to your current conclusions?

  • If it turned out that God did exist, and you had an opportunity to ask God any question and get an immediate answer, what would it be? 

  • What’s stopping you from putting your faith in Jesus?

  • What would it take… (for you to…?)

As you can see, there are many ways to begin crossing the line into a spiritual conversation. However, before we can begin crossing into spiritual questions, we must be relationally invested in them first, and knowing more and more about the people we are investing in.

Praying First

Read John 6:44. Then pray: Jesus, I pray for the (insert name), that you would draw (name’s) heart to you. Send your Holy Spirit to (name) and give them the desire to give their life to you. Guide my conversation today as I meet with them and open their ears to hear Your voice. Amen.

Yearly Bible Plan

  • Monday: Revelation 20-21

  • Tuesday: Revelation 22

  • Wednesday: Genesis 1-3

  • Thursday: Genesis 4-6

  • Friday: Genesis 7-9

  • Saturday: Genesis 10-12

  • Sunday: Genesis 13-16

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.