Won‘t Back Down, “The Breastplate”
September 25, 2022
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Message Review
We are in a battle daily, so we must daily prepare for battle. One of the ways we daily prepare to stand firm in this battle is by daily putting on the breastplate of righteousness to protect our hearts from enemy’s attacks. We protect our hearts daily by daily choosing to trust and obey. The protection of your heart is vital because it is the core of your being, the center of everything you feel, think, are and do. If we don't want to be a war casualty, we must put on the breastplate of righteousness.
Main Point | We protect our hearts daily by daily choosing to trust and obey.
Scripture References | Judges 21:25; Proverbs 4:23; Romans 3:21-22; Ephesians 6:10-14; James 4:7-8
Challenge Question | In what ways do you need to trust and obey today?
What are things that you have wanted to blame on Satan but know it is all on you? Ex. Pastor Ronnie’s back because of weightlifting.
Read Proverbs 4:23. Why is it vital that we protect our heart from the enemy’s attack?
Pastor Ronnie talked about how Sin is a word that a lot of people have abandoned all together. Why do you think people change the word from sin to anything else?
Read Romans 3:21-22a. How do we gain a restored relationship with God?
Pastor Ronnie said we can’t earn our right standing with God, but we must actively choose to live in it, to be righteous. What are ways that we actively choose to live in righteousness?
Why does Satan choose to use temptation to sin as one of his primary attacks? Why does he focus on tempting us to do what is right in our own eyes?
Read James 4: 7-8. Why is it important to Trust and Obey Jesus when it comes to guarding our hearts?
Why does the question; “Does this glorify God?” work as a good checkpoint to use in any situation that could be a temptation, or where we could be thinking about what is right in our eyes?
In what ways do you need to trust and obey today? Spend time this week praying through areas that you need to trust God in and then take one next step to Obey. Take into consideration which hard you would like to work through because the cost of righteousness maybe high from time to time, but the cost of sin is always higher.
Verse to Remember:
Ephesians 6:14: Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place
To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.