I AM, Part 7: “The Resurrection & Life”
March 20, 2022

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Message Review

When Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life,” He was claiming to be the source of both. But Jesus does more than give life, He is life. Death has no ultimate power over Him. Through Jesus, death has no ultimate power over those who believe and follow Him.

Main Point | For the believer, resurrection is not just a once-a-year holiday – it's an everyday reality.

Scripture References | John 11:25, John 11:27 & 38-44.

Challenge Question | Where have you allowed doubt to keep you away from experiencing resurrection life today?


  • Read John 11:25-26. In this passage, Jesus referred to himself as “I am”, the named reserved only for God. What do you think about this? What hang-ups have you had in the past or have in the present with Jesus being, himself, God?

  • Read John 11:25-26 again. What does it mean to believe in Jesus? What are the results for all who do?

  • At the end of verse 26 Jesus asks, “do you believe this?” How would you answer this question if Jesus was standing in front of you?

  • In this message, Pastor Matt didn’t miss the opportunity to address doubts. What are some of the doubts about Jesus you wrestle with or are you facing today? How have these doubts affected your ability to experience the Jesus and the resurrection life?

  • The Resurrection is not an event, but a Person who wants to 1) invade your present, 2) untangle your past and 3) bring the future hope to today. If you were to ask Jesus to work in each of those three areas of your life, what would you ask of Him?

 Next Step Challenge

Think back through the entire I Am series; the Bread, the Light, the Good Shepherd, the Way, the Vine, and the Resurrection and the Life. What is your biggest next step you need to take beginning this week? What do you need to walk away from in order to walk toward Jesus? Now will you do it?

Yearly Bible Plan

  • Monday: 2 Peter

  • Tuesday: 1 John - 3 John

  • Wednesday: Jude - Revelations 3

  • Thursday: Revelations 4-8

  • Friday: Revelations 9-14

  • Saturday: Revelations 15-17

  • Sunday: Revelations 18-19

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.