Parenting With the End In Mind, Part 3: “Money”
June 19, 2022
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Message Review
When we parent with the end in mind one area, we must focus on is Money & Finances. Money, what we do with money, our pursuit of money impacts our lives and faith more than anything else. The main thing preventing people from moving to a place of having complete trust in God is money. How you train your child in the area money will directly affect how they will handle money as an adult.
Main Point | You can serve God or money, but you can’t serve both.
Scripture References | Matthew 6:21, 24
Challenge Question | What next step do you need to take in leading your children away from money being their master and toward God being their master?
How was money talked about, if talked about at all in your house growing up? How did that form the way you handle money?
Read Matthew 6:21, When Pastor Ronnie discussed this passage, what were the first thoughts going through your mind? What other treasures can we get focused on that will take you heart away from God?
Jesus said in Matthew 6:24 that you WILL serve either God or money, there is no middle ground. Or in other words “You can serve God or money, but you can’t serve both” Why do you think, out of all things, Jesus spoke on God vs. Money in this passage?
Pastor Ronnie said that you can narrow Money being your master to one word, greed. Do you agree, why or why not? Why do a good portion of Americans fall into the trap of Money being their master? When this happens what can this Master lead too?
Pastor Ronnie explained the 10/10/80 principal when it comes to how to manage your finances. Do you think this could be a good way to help you manage your money better? Are there other ways that have you found to work in managing your money?
Why do you think that starting the 10/10/80 principal with your children when they are young will set them up for success as they reach adulthood?
What destination do you want your kids to end up at regarding their finances? First what can you do this week start or continue to manage your money in a God honoring way? Second, what can you do this week to help begin or continue to teach your kids how to manage their money?
To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.