Parenting With the End In Mind, Part 4: “Sex and Technology”
June 26, 2022
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Message Review
When we parent with the end in mind two of the most important areas, we need to focus on are sex and technology as they are vital areas because sex impacts the heart, and technology impacts the mind…maybe more than any two other things. How you parent your children in these areas will directly affect who your child will become.
Main Point | Who a child becomes is determined by the condition of their mind and heart. Nothing can negatively affect the mind like technology and the heart like sex.
Scripture References | Proverbs 4:23; 27:12; 1 Corinthians 6:18; Philippians 4:8-9
Challenge Question | (1) Is how your child navigating technology and sex helping or hurting the condition of their mind and heart? (2) What next step do you need to take to lead your children toward mental wellbeing and sexual integrity?
How has technology changed since you were a child? How have the changes affected the way children live today?
Pastor Ronnie gave some startling statistics about depression and anxiety in children during the gathering. How do you think technology plays a role in the rise of these statistics?
Read Philippians 4:8-9. Why do you think focusing on the things in this passage are so vital to protecting your mind? How can you practice focusing on these things every day?
Read 1 Corinthians 6:18. How is sexual immorality a sin against your body while all the others are outside of the body? Why does the sin of sexual immorality affect people differently than other sin?
Read Proverbs 4:23. Why is it so important to guard you and your children’s heart above all else?
Pastor Ronnie talked about how relationships are a key ingredient when talking to our children about sex and technology. What are ways you can feed those relationships so when you have conversations, they are productive?
What guardrails could you put in place to protect you and your children’s mind, and their heart?
What destination do you want your kids to end up at regarding mental wellbeing and sexual integrity? Ask yourself two questions,
“Is the way I am navigating technology and sex helping or hurting the condition of their mind and heart?”
“Is the way my child is navigating technology and sex helping or hurting the condition of their mind and heart?
What is one next step you can take this week to make sure you are protecting you and your children’s hearts and mind?
To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.