Be Rich Series, “Give”
November 6, 2022
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Message Review
When we choose to BE RICH in how we give, serve, and love our trust in God richly grows. The thing that exposes or stretches our trust in God more than anything is money, because what we’re most tempted to trust in most for our future, hope, peace, and freedom is money. No amount of money can give all that Only God can, and he wants to teach us to trust him for it. Jesus’s 1st century invitation was and his invitation for you and me today is simply “Follow me”. Follow Jesus by giving what He is leading you to give, and give it FIRST.
Main Point | God uses our giving to grow our trust in Him.
Scripture References | Matthew 6:1-4; 1 Timothy 6:17-18
Pastor Ronnie talked about ways we can know we are rich (ex. A room for your car, garage). What are other ways that we are rich?
What would it look like to you to have perfect trust in God? How would it affect how you live your life?
Read Matthew 6: 1-4. What words or phrases stuck out to you, why?
Pastor Ronnie talked about how giving isn’t a money issue, it’s a trust issue. Why do you think that is true?
In what ways has God used giving to gain more trust in Him?
When you ask God what to give, why do you think the “what ifs” from fear quickly follow?
Pastor Ronnie said, “Money is a Magnifier”. No amount of money will ever make you trust God more. Why do you think this is true?
What situations have stirred your heart in the past to give above and beyond? When you have done this what did it do inside your own heart?
Challenge Question | In regard to giving, how is Jesus inviting you to follow Him?
Spend time this week praying “In regard to giving, how are You inviting me to follow You?” Whatever next step he places on your heart take it. Also be looking for ways to give above and beyond if your heart is stirred to do so.
Verse to Remember:
1 Timothy 6:18: 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.
To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.