When In Doubt, Part 2: “When God Isn’t Moving”
July 10, 2022

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Message Review

What happens when you are in the middle of a situation where you want God to act, you need God to move, and He hasn’t fixed it yet. You’ve been trusting God to take away that illness that debilitates you, you want and need God to resolve that relationship, you need God to take over a financial hardship you’re struggling with, but He’s seemingly leaving you to struggle. We’ve discovered that real faith isn’t confidence in what we hope will happen, for a certain outcome. Real faith is WHO God is, WHAT He has promised and HOW I’ve seen Him act in the past while you are waiting for God to move.

Main Point | Our faith can survive-and even grow and thrive-as we navigate doubt in our faith while we’re waiting on God to move in our situations.

Scripture References | Hebrews 11:1; Hebrews 11:39; Hebrews 11:13

Challenge Question | How can you navigate doubts in your faith even when it seems like God isn’t moving in your situation?


  • Pastor Andy spoke about the Faith chapter in Hebrews. Who is your hero of Faith in the Bible and why?  

  • Pastor Andy spoke about how some of the Heroes of faith were very much human like your or me. How does it help knowing that these people who were commended for their faith still had doubts?  

  • Lorrie brought up the idea of flyover thoughts and doubts you need to land and work through. What are some of your flyover doubts? What are some of the doubts that you have had to land and work through?  

  • The idea of “Fighting for your faith” was talked about during the gathering. What does “fighting for your faith” look like in your life?  

  • Pastor Andy said having confidence in Who God is, What He promised and How I’ve seen Him act in the past is a way to grow your faith in the middle of a season in where God hasn’t visibly moved. Which one of these steps would be most reassuring to you in these seasons?  

  • How would your faith be shaped by trusting and knowing that God can move in any situation?  

  • When have you seen God move in your life before, when was it and how did he move?  


Spend time this week thinking on the following questions: 

  • Do I believe God is able to do something in my situation? 

  • Do I believe God is a good Father who is working for my good/their good and His glory? 

  • How have I seen God move in the past that tells me HE’S GOT THIS and He is going to do what He promised? 

If you are in the middle of a season where you are waiting of God to move hold tight to the answers to the questions above. If you aren’t in a season, you will be, focus on these questions so when the season of doubt you a firm foundation must stand upon.  

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.