Extreme Ownership, “Operating as the Body”
July 31, 2022
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Message Review
Jesus Christ came, died, rose to be the hope of the world. Before he physically left, He established his church to be the physical embodiment of Him as His agent of hope in the world here and now until he physically returns. When a local church is living as the Body of Christ, they are experiencing divine unity despite disagreement, the love of Jesus is seen and felt, people are putting their faith in Him, and lives are being transformed. Unfortunately, this is not what most people experience inside the local church. For Relevant to operate as the body of Christ it requires each of us to take full responsibility for everything that impacts us living as a fully functioning body of Christ
Main Point | Our body needs everybody to take extreme ownership of operating as a member of the body, in order for us to live as the body of Christ.
Scripture References | Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Challenge Question | Are you operating as a fully functioning member of the body of Christ? If not, how is Jesus inviting you to take extreme ownership today?
Have you ever been part of a “consumer minded” church? What did you notice that made you realize the church was inward focused?
Read Romans 12:3-8. Why do you think we need to look at ourselves in sober judgement (humility) as we see how we fit with in the body of Christ?
Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. Why do you think having several unique body parts are vital in creating the body of Christ?
Pastor Ronnie said “Our body (Relevant Community Church) needs everybody to take extreme ownership of operating as a member of the body, for us to live as the body of Christ. What does Extreme Ownership mean to you? Why do you think this need to happen to reach our full potential?
Have you been through Staff Orientation? If you have how did you transform from that experience? If not would owning and driving the mission of Relevant be something that interests, you?
Are you Currently serving on a team at Relevant, if so what team and what part do you play on the team? If not, what team could you see yourself serving on?
How is Jesus inviting you to take extreme ownership within the body of Christ this week?
Find your next step to be a fully engaged member of the body of Christ this week.
If you are not currently serving Sign up for Team Link this week.
If you are currently serving find a way to take extreme ownership on your team.
If you haven’t been through Staff Orientation sign up to attend this fall.
To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.