I AM, Part 1: “I Am”
February 6, 2022

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Let’s talk about Jesus. Do you know Him? There’s a difference between knowing about someone and really knowing someone. When it comes to Jesus, we can have all the knowledge in the world about Him but live our entire lives never truly knowing Him. When Jesus physically walked this earth, there were many different ideas about who He was. Now Jesus himself was very clear about who He was, and he made seven distinct “I Am” statements that eventually led to Him being tortured and crucified. Here’s the most important question for each of us: who do YOU say Jesus is? Does that line up with who Jesus says He is? To truly know Him requires personal experience of Him, experiencing His transformation.

Main Point | Knowing who Jesus is helps us know how to have relationship with Him

Scripture References | John 4:1-26, 2 Corinthians 3:18

Challenge Question | Are you experiencing living water?


  • What do you know about Jesus? (Things you’ve heard, things you’ve read, etc.) Do you believe that Jesus is God? Why or why not?

  • Do you or have you ever tried to find meaning and purpose apart from Jesus? What kinds of things did/do you pursue in order satisfy the longing of your soul?

  • Read John 4:3-26. What is happening here in this passage? What is the woman looking for?

  • In John 4:10-13 Jesus says that he provides living water? What is this living water and how is it the answer to her need?

  • Pastor Matt asked everyone a question. Are you experiencing living water today? If not, why? Why would Matt ask us that question? How do you relate to the woman at the well?

  • Read John 4:25-26. What is the definition of Messiah? Who is Jesus to you? Be honest with yourself. As we begin this new series, do you really know Jesus, or do you know about him?

Next Step Challenge

The book of John has 21 chapters. This series is 7 weeks long. If you read 3 chapters per week, you will finish the book of John by the end of this series. And so, we encourage you to do that. But pay particular attention to who Jesus says He is. Hint: He starts these statements with “I AM.” As we go about this series, think about this question; who is Jesus, and what does this mean for you?

Yearly Bible Plan

  • Monday: John 12-13

  • Tuesday: John 14-16

  • Wednesday: John 17-19

  • Thursday: John 20-21

  • Friday: Acts 1-3

  • Saturday: Acts 4-6

  • Sunday: Acts 7-8

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.