Find Your Five, “Model”
November 27, 2022

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Message Review

Finding a model, we can emulate or an example we can follow helps us take something we wish was true about our life and see what it looks like in real life. When it comes to experiencing growth and change in your life, following a model makes transformation easier. We find models by identifying the necessary change, finding someone that looks more like Jesus in that area, watch them and ask how they do it and finally do it. This will be the hardest part because following Jesus is hard and taking necessary steps will be difficult, but transformational.  

Main Point | Following a model makes it easier to follow Jesus. 

Scripture References | 1 Corinthians 4:16-17; 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1; Proverbs 13:20; Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 


  • What is the most cringe worthy pictures that you have been a part in? (ex. Pastor Ronnie’s Top Gun Package photo shoot.)  

  • What are some of the reasons our culture is becoming more isolated even though we are more connected?  

  • When it comes to following Jesus why do we try to do it all on our own?  

  • Have you ever had a model in your life? Who was it and what did they model?  

  • Pastor John read a quote from Rob Reimer that stated: "There is no breakthrough in secrecy.”. Why is it so hard to transform in isolation?  

  • Read 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1. Why do you think Paul gave this advice to the church in Corinth? How can we apply it today?  

  • Pastor John discussed in Dylan’s story that it was easier to follow someone you know rather than Paul who you probably won’t meet. Why is it easier to follow people while they follow Jesus?   

  • What are ways that you can be available to be a model for others?  

Challenge Question | Who are you following that is making it easier to follow Jesus?  


Spend time this week praying for the areas of your life that you want to see transformation and then find someone that exemplifies it and ask them questions about how they follow Christ in that area. Then take the next step and do what they recommend.

Verse to Remember: 

1 Corinthians 11:1, 1 Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.