When In Doubt, Part 4: “Keep Your Eyes On Jesus – Part 2”
July 24, 2022
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Message Review
We all wonder, question and doubt and do so through a specific frame of reference. When our reasoning doesn’t provide all answers, we wonder about deep stuff through a specific frame of reference. When it comes to Christians their frame of reference is not theology, philosophy, or a belief system it is a person. Our Faith begins and ends with Jesus. Doubt, we will always have it, and we know it isn’t going anywhere Navigating through doubt begins and ends with fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.
Main Point | Navigating through doubt begins and ends with fixing our eyes on Jesus.
Scripture References | Hebrews 12:2; John 13:36-38; 14:1-9, 11
Challenge Question | What frame of reference are you currently seeing your life through? What step can you take today to get a clear your frame of reference and focus on Jesus?
What is something that you doubted? (ex. I doubt my kids will do what I ask)
Read Hebrews 12:2. What does it mean in your words that Jesus is the author and perfecter of your faith?
How has the “frame” you see God through changed as your relationship with him has grown? How have your experiences in life with your faith differed from the faith you were raised on?
What has clouded the windowpanes of your frame of reference leaving it distorted? (ex. A graceless church experience, A teacher/professor that undermines your faith)
If you have ever doubted your faith or are currently doubting your faith, if so what is your faith currently fixed upon?
In John 14:4-9, Jesus is telling the disciples they know how to get to where he’s going. He says that he is the way, the truth, and the life. What’s that really saying to us?
This week look at your faith with the following questions:
Overall, what is my faith currently fixed on and fastened to?
If I am currently having doubts, how can I fix my eyes on Jesus in that area of my faith?
If I am not currently in a season of doubt, how can I fix my eyes of Jesus more to be prepared for when I do have doubts?
To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.