Extreme Ownership, “Your Growth”
August 14, 2022

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Message Review

Our body, Relevant Community Church, needs everybody to take extreme ownership of growing in their relationship with Jesus, in order for us to live as the body of Christ. One of the vital elements to continually be transformed is to GROW our relationship with Jesus because HE is the only one who can transform our lives. As a person who has put their faith in Jesus it’s your responsibility to grow in YOUR relationship with Jesus, to do that you have to pick up the fork and eat. 

Main Point | To grow in your relationship with Jesus, you gotta pick up the fork and eat. 

Scripture References | John 15:1-11 

Challenge Question | Are you taking extreme ownership of growing in your relationship with Jesus? If not, how do you need to pick up the fork and eat?  


  • Pastor Ronnie talked about is love of Steak and Cake this week. What is your favorite food to eat?  

  • Everyone who is a follower of Christ wants to grow, but unfortunately a lot of us aren’t. What are some of the reasons that followers of Christ are growing in their relationship with Jesus?  

  • Pastor Ronnie gave one reason as “I’m not GROWING because I’m not being fed by the church, who is responsible for feeding me.” Why do people think it is the churches responsibility to feed them?  

  • Read John 15:1-11. How do these verses show that it is your responsibility to GROW your relationship with Jesus?  

  • Pastor Ronnie said, “When we pray God’s will, God will answer” Why do you think that God doesn’t always answer our prayers? 

  • The meat that enables us to GROW/mature are the (truths, promises, principles, commands, ways) of God communicated to us through the Writers of Scripture, to grow in your relationship with Jesus, you must pick up the fork and eat. What are ways that each of you can pick up your fork and eat?   


This week look at how you can take extreme ownership of growing your relationship with Jesus. Pastor Ronnie gave three next steps: Expose yourself to practical Biblical teaching weekly, Read the Bible Daily and Apply Immediately. Find one way Apply what you learn this week.  

Verse to Remember: 

 John 15:5 - I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.