Prayer That Works, Part 5: “Protection”
July 4 - 10, 2021

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Message Review

Pain and hardship will certainly cause us to pray; sometimes even more than our needs and wants. But why do we continue finding ourselves in hard places, difficult places, even addicted places? We experience pain and hardship because we live in a broken world, and in an unseen war where there is an “evil one” against us. What do we do? The fourth way Jesus told us to pray is found in Matthew 6:13, and that is to “lead not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

Main Point | Protection of God, is a reward from God to those who are surrendered to God.

Scripture References | Matthew 6:9-13, Matthew 16:24-25, Hebrews 4:15-16

Challenge Question | What does Jesus want to lead you into? Who are you going to follow?


  • How would you define temptation? Why is being aware of temptation a big deal?

  • Why does Satan want to tempt us? What kind of things does he use to tempt people?

  • Often times, we lead ourselves into temptation and then sin for two reasons, 1) for self-preservation and 2) self-gratification. What are these two terms and how do they differ?

  • What areas of self-preservation or self-gratification in your life tend to lead you into temptation and ultimately to sin? How has that sin affected your life? (work, home life, who God created you to be…)

  • Read Matthew 6:13. Pastor Ronnie said there are three leaders in your life; Jesus, yourself, and Satan. In the midst of temptation, which one continues to take the lead?

Next Step

What is one of the biggest temptations in your life today? Where do you think Jesus would lead you into regarding this? Who are you going to follow? Tell someone so that they can be praying for you and walking alongside you.

Yearly Bible Plan

  • Monday: 2 Samuel 1-3

  • Tuesday: 2 Samuel 4-7

  • Wednesday: 2 Samuel 8-11

  • Thursday: 2 Samuel 12-14

  • Friday: 2 Samuel 15-17

  • Saturday: 2 Samuel 18-19

  • Sunday: 2 Samuel 20-22

To watch or listen to Sunday’s sermon, visit our Sermons page.