Michelle & Deborah’s Women’s Group
Meeting Details
Day/Time: Tuesday Mornings at 9:30 AM
Location: 185th and Fort
Childcare: Adults Only
Demographic: Adult Women of Any Age
About the Group
There’s nothing like being in a group of women who are in all different stages of life. Whether you are a new mom or an empty nester, this group is for you! Come join us!
About the Leader
My name is Michelle Sealock, and my family and I have been attending Relevant since 2015. My husband Ed and I have been married for over 30 years and are in the throes of parenting teenagers! Growing up, I didn’t have a lot of religious upbringing. I would attend church like a CEO (Christmas and Easter only). But through God’s nudging and timing, Ed and I began to attend church regularly. I was even brave enough to start playing piano in front of people! We eventually ended up at Relevant, and it has been life-changing. Since being here, I have met so many wonderful people, either from playing on the worship team or being part of various T-Life groups through the years. It was in 2022 when God nudged me again to start my own T-Life group. I’m so glad He did because I can’t imagine doing life without my fellow sisters in Christ!
What happens next if I join the group?
Once you register for the group (by clicking the “Join Group” button below), you will receive a confirmation email letting you know that we received your registration. In the next couple of days, your new group leader will reach out with some preliminary details about the location, time, and first group meeting.
At the first group meeting you’ll get to know others in your group and hear more about what to expect moving forward. If you decide the group is a good fit for you, great! If not, you can discretely let the group leader know and we’ll help you find a different group.
After a few months of being in the group you’ll have the opportunity to reevaluate if the group is a good fit for you and either continue with the group or step out of the group if desired. So by joining a group, you’re not making a long-term commitment.
If you have any questions, email us at groups@relevantcommunity.org.