Inductive Bible Study Method
Whether you are new to the Bible or not, reading and studying it doesn’t have to be intimidating. Simply follow a process called The Inductive Bible Study method. This method involves three steps (observation, interpretation, application) to help you read, understand, and apply it to your life. We encourage everyone to grab a journal and work through the following as they read the Bible.
Want to learn more about this process? Check out the Bible Class here.
What do I see?
This step is all about gathering the facts.
When you read a passage, train yourself to ask: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? In short, what do you see? This building block is essential for correct interpretation. Take note of the mood or atmosphere, what is being emphasized, and key words or phrases. It’s important to understand the differences in literary styles found in the Bible too. They are historical, law, poetry, proverbs, prophecy, parables, and epistles.
Questions to consider are:
Who is involved, talking, or being mentioned?
What is the subject or topic being discussed?
When is the activity or discussion taking place?
Where is the activity or discussion taking place?
Why is the activity or discussion taking place?
How are the people involved responding?
What was the authors original intent?
This step is all about uncovering the original meaning of the text.
While observation leads to an accurate understanding of what the writers of Scripture are saying, interpretation goes a step further and helps you understand what it means. Try to discover what the author is trying to communicate. Use the context to make sure you fully understand what is going on and what is being said, and avoid turning passages into what they are not saying. Let the passage speak for itself.
Questions to consider:
What is this book about?
What’s the cultural context of this book? (author, audience, setting, geography, history)
What comes right before and after this passage?
What main point is the writer trying to communicate?
What are some thoughts the original reader(s) may have had after reading this for the first time?
What should I do?
This step is all about applying biblical principles to your life.
The writers of Scripture will always teach what is right, how to correct what’s wrong in our lives, and train us in right living so that we are complete, fully equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
Questions to consider:
What universal principle is evident in this passage that applies to everyone?
What current situation in my life is an opportunity to apply this principle?
Is there anything I need to start doing?
Is there anything I need stop doing?
Reading, understanding and applying the Bible
…will increase your knowledge of God, His ways, His will, His Truth and His promises.
…will lead you to salvation and faith in Jesus.
…will equip you to follow Jesus, so you are transformed by Jesus, to become like Jesus.
…will increase your faith and trust in God.
…will ultimately and radically transform your life.